
Thursday, August 28, 2008

Baseball Game

So I took the boys to an Angels game and they were excited at the mere view of the front entrance with the huge red baseball helmets. At the entrance, they gave away free angels plug-in lights that got them even more excited. To top things off, the ramps that take you to the upper levels amused them to no end. We even got a small fire work show. Things seemed to be going well.

Then, at the bottom of the second, while the Angels were being pummeled, and my second youngest boy was singing “I like cotton candy, yes I do” for nearly 15 minutes non-stop, things went south. The Oakland fans behind us were getting loud, a group of drunken college kids to my left and my kids kept on saying they wanted to go home.

So, it was short lived, but we had as much fun as we could have considering the circumstances.


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